Bangla banjonborno word
Bangla banjonborno word

THIS ALPHABET IS OVERWHELMING! WHAT DO I DO?! If you want to use my Word of the Day posts, select the earlier weeks –they have simple words with one or two syllables and no conjunct characters.Ĥ. Challenge yourself by writing them in Bangla without peeking. My advice to you is look through a trusted Bengali-English dictionary (I use this one) or even my Word of the Day postsand practice reading simple words and writing them down in Bangla –repetition really helps. My Word of the Day is actually the product of this study! When I started, I chose very simple words so I can read how letters look in a word. I found it really helps to focus on very simple words so you can easily identify the characters that compose them. Here you can bump it up a little bit to fill in the gaps and apply your new knowledge. So maybe you know your individual letters, or you have them about 70% memorized. I absolutely loved the BorKnow app when I first started. Try finding children’s apps and worksheets to practice your writing. Learning how to write each character will begin to sharpen your recall because you are actively engaging with the letters, and it will force you to be mindful of all the curves and angles that make each character unique.

bangla banjonborno word

Try to say the sounds out loud as you read each letter! She has one video for vowels (shoroborno) and one for consonants (banjonborno). has a couple YouTube videos on her channel where she draws, pronounces, and explains the Bengali characters. If you can find resources with audio this can help a lot, especially if you’re more of an auditory learner. View each character alongside a romanization system you’re comfortable with so you can associate them with a sound. When I first started learning I found the best thing to do was to learn letters one at a time and just practice recognition.

bangla banjonborno word

I have included links to resources and posts I’ve made to help you. So for those of you who are stuck or don’t know where to start, don’t worry! This post will include methods to help you sort out different obstacles and sharpen your skills.

bangla banjonborno word

From personal experience, learning the Bengali alphabet isn’t exactly a breeze, but it’s still very doable even when you come from a significantly different writing system.

Bangla banjonborno word